Queen Elizabeth National Park – the Medley of Wonders!

Queen Elizabeth National Park – Well ahmn! Let’s not talk about mountain gorillas our relatives today rather we bring to you the best national park in Uganda for capturing uncountable sparks of memories in the same point. Queen Elizabeth National park is also known as the medley of wonders inn the pearl of Africa! (Queen Elizabeth National Park) is undeniably the most widely known tourist destination in Uganda as far as the richness in diversity and touristic activities is concerned. A home to chimpanzees, the climbing lions, the savanna beauty, the beautiful species of birds, the great wildlife sanctuary, the home to the beautiful Kazinga channel and several others.

Queen Elizabeth National Park Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a destinations for both tailor-made/ customized safari activities or the real already made one and some of their activities that can be done here include: hot air balloon, game drives, birding, chimpanzee tracking, boat cruise and so many others that will leave in so much experiences that you can’t quantify in wordings.  Set against the backdrop of the jagged Rwenzori Mountains, the park’s magnificent vistas include dozens of enormous craters carved dramatically into rolling green hills, panoramic views of the of the portion separating two lakes of George and Edward (Kazinga channel) with its banks lined with hippos, buffalo and elephants, and the endless Ishasha plains, whose fig trees hide lions ready to pounce on herds of unsuspecting Uganda Kob. If you have not been to this Park, you are running and hiding away from good memorable experiences. There are also communities around this spark that will show you why Uganda is truly the Pearl of Africa. These communities around  Queen Elizabeth National park will take you through their culinary bit, cultural dances, and songs and also avail you with several souvenirs to purchase and take home to help in always keeping the memories fresh whenever you look at the craft bought. This is a medley of wonders in case you forgot.

Queen Elizabeth National Park has a variety of Flora and Fauna and it’s acknowledged to be a habitat for over 95 mammal species with about 612 species of birds. The various species in this park, has made it a unique park most liked by tourists. Geographers will say that the park has around 57 vegetation but in actual sense, it has five levels of vegetation. Namely bushy grassland, Acacia woodland, Lake-shore or swamp vegetation along with forest grassland

Queen Elizabeth National park

The grasslands of the park settles wildlife such as Cape buffalo, Uganda Kob, waterbuck, warthog, lion, leopard, hyena, giant forest hog as well as elephants. Topis can only be discovered in Ishasha and forest primate found in Kyambura gorge in addition to Maramagambo forest.

Africa has some protected areas. Therefore the parks remarkable bird that to exceed that of the neighboring Virunga National Park. Among these include African skimmer, Chapins flycatcher, Pink-backed pelicans, Papyrus canary, Shoebill stork, martial eagle, black-rumped buttonquail as well as the great flamingos.

Let’s expose this African jewel!

By the way did you ever imagine that “all that makes one sound is made up of the combination of different things?” Well just like anyone else, this medley of wonders- Queen Elizabeth national park the second largest national park in Uganda after Murchison falls national park. It is found in the western part of Uganda in the districts of Kasese and many others. Queen Elizabeth National park sits on a total land area of 1978 square kilometers. This is the land area where the refreshing, beautiful, and most adoring memorable experiences that you will always miss when you keep postponing a visit to Queen Elizabeth national park are lying at. The only park in Uganda popularly known for climbing lions at its Ishasha sector, the home to the big 56 animals that’s lions, leopards, rhinos, buffaloes and elephants, the habitats to over 600 bird species at the Kazinga channel section, the city to aquatic animals like crocodiles, hippos and many others. There is also equator pictorial ground here that you should not miss when in this park. The wildlife like kobs, impalas, giraffes, zebras, warthogs, baboons, the primates that are 11 species in number including the chimpanzees. And several others. Queen Elizabeth National park is the reach gate way to the beautiful Bwindi impenetrable forest national park the home to the mountain gorillas or still you can go back to Kibale forest national park. This park activities can be combined with any other park except the distant Elgon mountain national park and Kidepo valley national park which can also be reached by means of chartered flight. This is the one most visited point that many tourists find as their favorite. There are various attractions in this park and the activities are so enormously many that you need much more time to do them all. Otherwise the most identifiable attractions are listed out below

Attractions in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Mweya Peninsula

The peninsula is the heart of sightseeing activities with excellent scenic viewing point to enjoy your safari at Queen Elizabeth national park. In company of the guide, you explore the park as well as the distant parts of the peninsula. The most exciting aspect about this peninsular is the fact that its overlooks Katwe bay of Lake Edward. This is the best of the best peninsulas you can’t miss when in Uganda for a Ugandan safari.

Kazinga Channel.

with the length of about 40 m connecting Lake Gorge to Lake Edward, Kazinga channel is the best point to view the most aquatic and vegetation beauty of this park, this is where dozens of several bird species converge with others flying crossing continents to come hence this is the best point for doing birding and have the best warmth in this park.  The major wildlife when it comes to drink water can be viewed here too the shores of the lake attracts a large concentration of mammals, birds as well as reptiles all year around and the best perfect time for viewing them all  is during the boat cruise.

Kazinga channel has parts for instance North Kazinga as well as Kasenyi. It’s acknowledged that the plains of channel are focal points for game viewing. Tracking is the only way that will enable you see all the wildlife in its nature setting for example buffalo, elephants and other animals that dwell in the grassland thickets of the Northern Kazinga close to Mweya. The most accessible spot for lions is in the eastern part of Kasenyi plains and the Kasese road where they quarry on the big inhabitants of Uganda Kobs. The most favorable time for game drives is during morning and late afternoon hours. The work of the range guide is to help you get enough information about the park and still get the most memorable experience in Africa. This is the m3dley of wonders remember that always dear guest.

The Equator and the Queen’s Pavilion
The Uganda’s Equator provides a beautiful place for photo shooting along with craft shops that can make you buy a souvenir. The Queen’s Pavilion is easily spotted by the northern entrance to the Crater Drive. In 1954 Queen Elizabeth gave a provision shelter for this site until in 1959 when a permanent pavilion was constructed for the visit of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Renovations were made by second visit of Duke of Edinburgh in 2007 with better facilities such as coffee shop and internet facilities.

Ishasha covers an area of about 100 km south of Mweya. Queen Elizabeth National park’s distant southern segment gives a genuine Africa wilderness experience. Among the inhabitants in this place include savannah woodland, Ishasha River along with Lake Edward that has a diversity of wildlife such as climbing lions, rare shoebill stork and many others.


There are 10 species of primates found in Queen Elizabeth National park and the main looked out one is  the Chimpanzee which is found in the gash in the Savannah the Kyambura Gorge which has been referred to  “the lost valley” by BBC in a documentary and many tourists and locals call it  “the Valley of the Apes.” Kyambura Gorge on a Chimpanzee Trek is one of the fascinating areas in Queen Elizabeth Park to see, as you the descent into the valley you will be simply amazed. In the Gorge, you cross Rivers, meander through the thick forest in search of chimpanzees and spot other wildlife, primates and birds as you do so. However, we recommend Kalizu forest to you for chimpanzee trekking which is the second best point for this activity after Kibale forest national park.


They include Maramagambo, Kalizu, kasyoha-kitomi forests and many others like lake side forests, riverine forests that beautifully design the magnificence of this vast Queen Elizabeth national park. Most of these forests like Kalizu are habitats for chimpanzees and you can do chimpanzees trekking here still at the same cost of $100 just like Kibale national park.

 Wild animals.

Queen Elizabeth National park

Queen Elizabeth National park is the home to what many have always celebrated to having spotted the uncommon wildlife species of animals in this park.  The most profound ones are the big five animals of buffaloes, rhinos, elephants, leopards, lions, the kobs, the zebras, the giraffes, the warthogs and many others. They are best spotted during the game drives.

Kyambura gorge

This is the home to the chimpanzees best ideal for chimpanzee tracking too. So in case you don’t feel like reaching to track chimpanzees in Kibale national park, let’s arrange at this vast most endowed Queen Elizabeth national park. Check on our 3 days itinerary for the best package for your safari to Queen Elizabeth national park.


Birders who have been to this park for bird watching have never been disappointed because Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of the best parks for birding in Uganda if not in all of Africa with 619 species that are found in this Birders Paradise. Presently, the park is home to dozens of bird species ranging from water birds, woodland and forest dwellers in the many forests in the park, 54 raptors and various migratory species and the most expected to see here are;  the Martial Eagle, Buttonquail, African Skimmer, Chapin’s Flycatcher, Pink-backed Pelican, African Broadbill, Verreaux’s Eagle Owl, Black Bee-eater, White-tailed Lark, White-winged Warbler, Papyrus Gonolek, Papyrus Canary, Corncrake, Lesser and Greater Flamingo, Shoebill, Bar-tailed Godwit and several others. You can explore the birding safari here with our bird watching itinerary found in Jewel Safaris Limited . This is the richest national park in Uganda and there are many touristic attractions here and the ones mentioned above here are just among them. Be part of the next team booking for a trip with us to this beautiful park.

For any safari in Uganda or east Africa, blend it up with the gorilla trekking one and let the memories elapse your expectations. We at Jewel Safaris Limited are ready to handle your inquiries and attend to your booking arrangements as soon as you let us know. Are you ready too?


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