Health Guide

The decision has been made, the trip has been booked and now start preparing and anticipating an adventurous holiday.

Well prepared for travel with regard to precautions. What can you expect in a country like Tanzania in terms of malaria, typhoid, hepatitis and other diseases? What precautions can you take?

You can avoid a lot of trouble if you follow the general safety rules. Do not eat in local restaurants that look shabby and unsanitary, don’t eat unwashed or unpeeled fruit, don’t buy food from roadside stalls. You should drink bottled mineral water readily available at restaurants, shops and make sure seal of bottle is not broken.

About malaria: There is risk of malaria in Tanzania, you should therefore check with your doctor to see whether malaria medication is required. Pack long sleeved clothes to avoid mosquito or insect bites. If you unexpectedly have complaints that may indicate malaria such as high fever, shivering, sweating, muscle pain and headache, consult a doctor immediately. Malaria is generally treatable. 

In the vehicles, there are first aid kits with the simple means such as plasters, aspirin, bandages. If you use medicines, they can be kept in the cool box during the safari.

Vaccination: Ensure you have received all necessary vaccinations. diphtheria, hepatitis A & B, typhoid, tetanus, meningitis and rabies are also recommended. A yellow fever certificate of vaccination is also required. 

If you observe these measures, this is already a good preparation for a successful carefree holiday.


Greetings from Jewel Safaris

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