Ugandan Dishes : Ugandan Food : Main Local Dishes and Cuisines of Uganda. Food is a huge contribution to any travel since at any destination traveled, a traveler must eat well and also explore the many dishes available at a given destination visited to enjoy while on Uganda Safaris Tours. Dish tasting is not bargained. Furthermore, it does not make sense to take a trip to any foreign land, and then local cuisine there is not sampled. Ugandan dishes are found in every place you can imagine that’s in the restaurants, hotels, highway pubs, and many other venues clean and favorable for dining. So, once you’re here, you are halfway through your food journey. Uganda has a lot of interesting Ugandan dishes unique to the region and very diverse, but the following are the must-haves!
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Also known to others as Oluwombo or Luwombo is mostly dominant in the central part of the country. It is both a royal dish and a commonly cooked dish that is of great significance that this traditional dish of Uganda is used during marriage give always as the special dish for the son-in-law. So, when Luwombo is offered to you, it’s not like any other ordinary meal because it has a huge reputation in its nature.
The dish is the most common of the Ugandan dishes and consists of beef or chicken with vegetables like potatoes and carrots, wrapped in banana leaves and steamed to perfection with just the right amount of salt, oil and spices. It is considered a special dish for many reasons including the way it is presented; wrapped in leaves like a gift. In some variations, smoked fish is added to the beef/chicken.
It is said to have been created in 1887 by the personal chef of Kabaka Mwanga, one of the Buganda kingdom’s earlier rulers king.
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In Swahili the word is “Choma” literally meaning roasted, roasted delicacy can be found everywhere in Uganda and it is the quickest of Ugandan dishes to find along major highways in Uganda. It is in abundance. It could be Choma for chicken, gizzards, pork chunks, goat’s meat, beef everything in between. Muchomo is in different places during games, events, journeys, and so many several occasions including conferences. At any place talk of rugby pitches, roadside, and even in fancy restaurants. The Choma is always served in the company of Gonja which is roasted sweet plantains that on their own is enjoyed as a snack. This one is more of the events snack, cheer-up Spicer of events, and the closest one during highways drive to the parks. Every tribe in Uganda can offer this. You’ll find these meat portions barbecued on a stick and served at roadside stalls, markets, and restaurants.
Groundnut Sauce
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For any Ugandan buffet meal to be complete, Groundnut sauce must be present which can be best served with sweet potatoes, cassava, matoke (boiled mashed plantain), and even roasted fish, there is a taste of Ugandan dishes that can tempt one to change his/her nationality. This delicious sauce and with good reason is cooked in all parts of Uganda as a country. Groundnut sauce is a creamy paste made from sweet red peanuts and serves with meals as a condiment Groundnut sauce is eaten on its own as soup!
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Traditionally this is best enjoyed for breakfast though one can enjoy at his or her own timing in the course of the day. The dish is made up of a combination of fried plantains with soup and either beef, beans, or offal served with traditional vegetables, there is also a local one of Cassava and beans. When you walk into a café in the morning hours and you happen to be welcomed by a wonderful irresistible aroma, then Katogo is probably being served. Though considered unconventional to the rest of the world, a heavy breakfast like this is the most popular of Ugandan dishes and a great hangover remedy just in case you’ve been exploring the nightlife.
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Also known as Ugali in other parts of East Africa, this is one of the unique prepared Ugandan dishes that are worth trying. It is simply fine, white corn flour that is thoroughly mixed with boiling water until it stiffens into a smooth, doughy consistency. It can be eaten alone or accompanied with chicken, stew, beans, and greens. It’s also the ‘comfort’ food of all East African countries – wholesome, quite bland in taste but keeps you going for a long time
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In Mexico, they have corn tortillas. In the U.S., they have biscuits or cornbread, and in France, they often have croissants. Every culture around the world has its one bread staple that they eat with everything. In Uganda, that bread staple is chapati.
Made up of wheat flour, baking powder, salt, and water, chapatis are then rolled out into a pastry crust and often fried in a small amount of oil to thicken them. Once cooked, you can do all sorts of things with chapatis. You can eat them alone or with beans or soup, or even with tea. You can also use them as a wrap to hold minced meat and vegetables inside.
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You were not in Uganda if you didn’t try tasting out this dish which is almost taken as the national dish. Matoke also spelled as “matooke” is a banana variety considered more of a plantain if other parts of the world. These plantains are peeled, steamed then mashed, and by the time it reaches eating, and it lands in your mouth for the real taste to dominate, you won’t ask why Uganda is called “the pearl for Africa.” Occasionally, matoke is fried with tomatoes and onions.
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This one here went national and later on worldwide. Sold cheaply, acquired easily and openly available all over Uganda’s streets on roadside stalls. Rolex is the easiest and quickest preparation of Ugandan dishes. It consists of chapattis, eggs cooked into an omelette along with tomato, onion, and cabbage and all these are topped on and rolled inside a chapatti. Some vendors may even add minced meat to the Rolex. It is usually served with rice after tasting it, your feeling won’t be the same as you will be full for a good while.
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Why not try one of Uganda’s unusual delicacies? This popular dish is just fried grasshoppers that are sold in pubs and roadside eateries. Available mostly during the rainy season particularly in November. Before being fried in the grasshoppers’ natural oils, the insects’ wings and legs are removed. You may see some market and roadside vendors selling the grasshoppers in plastic tubs that you can buy and fry yourself. In pubs, you may be served this treat with your beer.
Others include; · sweet potatoes · cassava · yams · pumpkins · Kalo · Sukuma · Firinda. · And several others Little can be emphasized about delicious Ugandan dishes. They are beyond any write-up. They are many and they are all free for tasting by you. A great taste, yummy, delicious, and amazingly nutritious is Ugandan dishes. is ready to give you a dish tasting” tour all over the country on top of the wildlife trips and other amazing experiences you would like to take part in.
See you in Uganda!
Uganda Safari Packages
3 Days Trekking Gorilla Safari Uganda
3 Days Queen Elizabeth National Park Safari
3 Days Trekking Gorilla Safari Uganda
3 Day Uganda Chimpanzee Trekking Safari