Health Guide

The decision has been made, the trip has been booked…and now start preparing and anticipating an adventurous holiday!

Well prepared for travel with regard to precautions. What can you expect in a country like Uganda in terms of malaria, typhoid, hepatitis and other diseases? Common diseases in Uganda and what precautions can you take to prevent them.

Make sure to observe all the healthy precautions in order to prevent any diseases.  Drink water from safe places to avoid falling sick (only sealed bottles of water). 

There are first aid kits in the safari vehicles with the simple means such as plasters, aspirin, bandages. If you use medicines, they can be kept in the cool box during the safari.

If you observe these measures, this is already a good preparation for a successful carefree holiday.

Common diseases: malaria, hepatitis A, typhoid, tuberculosis(TB), yellow fever, meningitis. Also take into account diarrhoea.

Vaccinations: recommended vaccinations are, yellow fever (mandatory) and hepatitis A, COVID-19. Other vaccinations are personal and travel specific. Malaria tablets recommended if you travel through malaria risk areas. There are different types of prevention tablets available. For more information, visit the website of general health care information in your country.

About Malaria: Malaria is common in different areas in Uganda, therefore protect yourself by taking your antimalarial tablets on time. Symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches and headaches, often preceded by a flu-like feeling. Malaria can be prevented by malaria pills. Wearing skin-covering clothing and the use of mosquito nets and anti-mosquito fluid during the period when mosquitoes are active can also reduce the risk of infection.

If you have symptoms, go to a clinic/hospital to be tested. Malaria can be treated quickly and well with a course of pills or injection.

Hospitals and clinics in Uganda. There are good reliable hospitals in Uganda both private and government hospitals. If you need a hospital, please contact our local representatives for assistance. Also consult your insurer because not all insurers cover the costs if you choose a hospital yourself.

Kampala hospitals: Mulago referral hospital (public hospital) Private: International hospital Kampala, Case clinic, Kampala independent hospital.


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