Budongo Forest Reserve Guide

Budongo Forest Reserve is the largest natural forest in Uganda. The forest is part of the Murchison Falls Conservation Area covering an area of 435 square kilometers. Budongo forest is well known for the largest population of chimpanzees and the impressive mahogany trees. Budongo forest reserve is surrounded by a number of rivers like Waisoke, Sonso, Bubwa and Wake. These rivers empty their waters into the Lake Albert.

The main and most popular activities in Budongo forest are chimpanzee trekking and nature walks with the main tourism sites being Kaniyo Pabidi ecotourism site and Busingiro ecotourism site. Other activities in the forest include; chimpanzee habituation, bird watching and nature walks.

Chimpanzee tracking in Budongo Forest
Chimpanzee tracking in Budongo Forest

When you encounter the chimpanzees during the trekking activity, you are allowed one hour to watch them feeding, playing, grooming and going about their daily life. Besides chimpanzees, there are also other primates that can be sighted in the forest and these include; olive baboons, blue monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, Red-tailed monkeys. You can also occasionally spot some other wildlife species such as; buffalos, elephants and several antelope species.

Budongo forest is one of the significant birding destinations in Uganda with a wide variety of over 360 bird species such as; Purvell’s Illadopsis, Shinning Blue Kingfisher, Black-eared Ground thrush and many others.

Within the forest, Bird watching is properly facilitated in the different trails; Royal Mile about 1.6km, Busingiro about 4km and Kaniyo Pabidi about a 12km stretch and this can be done in company of the Jewel safaris knowledgeable and immensely well learnt bird watching guide that will give you all the details of the birds viewed as you walk through the forest.

Nature Walk in Budongo Forest
Nature Walk in Budongo Forest

Budongo forest reserve is also the best place to identify several butterfly species and it is recorded to have about 290 butterfly species. 

Visit Budongo forest and have an encounter with the chimpanzees and several other wildlife species. Send Jewel safaris (info@jewelsafaris.com ) an inquiry to have your chimpanzee trekking safari in Budongo forest planned.  

Add a gorilla trekking safari to your chimpanzee trekking safari for a complete primate experience.


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