Booking Terms and Conditions

Article 1- Definitions

Organizer (Jewel Safaris): The trader who puts together the trip and offers it – whether or not through a reseller. The trader who offers the trip is also considered to be the organizer if it only consists of one Travel Service and the conditions have been declared applicable to it. Traveler (You): any person who concludes or wishes to conclude an agreement with the organizer regarding a trip and any person who has the right to travel on the basis of the agreement Travel service: passenger transport, rental of a motor vehicle, domestic flights, accommodation or another tourist service. Travel service provider: the service provider that performs part of the trip, such as auxiliary persons (accommodation providers/transporters/external guides/etc.) on behalf of Jewel Safaris. Agreement: the agreement including these Terms and Conditions whereby the organizer commits itself towards the traveler to provide the Trip in writing or by electronic means, including by e-mail. Conditions: these general conditions. Package holiday: a package holiday within the meaning of the law. Travel: A Package Travel or, if the Conditions have been declared applicable to it, a single Travel Service.

Article 2 – Applicability of conditions

2.1 Package holidays These Terms and Conditions apply to all Package Holidays offered by Jewel Safaris or agreed with Jewel Safaris and form an inseparable part thereof. 2.2 Linked travel arrangements These Terms and Conditions may also be declared applicable to Travel Services that are part of a linked travel arrangement. The terms and conditions of the supplier of that Travel Service apply to the Travel Services that have not been agreed with Jewel Safaris. 2.3 Travel services These terms and conditions may also be declared applicable to separated Travel Services that do not constitute a package or linked travel arrangement. These Travel Services are not protected in the event of the insolvency of Jewel Safaris unless it is expressly stated in the offer which party provides cover in the event of the insolvency of Jewel Safaris. 2.4 Deviating and additional conditions Deviating and additional conditions must be agreed in writing. Deviating provisions in the individual agreement take precedence over these Terms.

The booking Article 3 – Conclusion of Agreement

3.1 Content: The trip offered includes the services and facilities that are expressly described in the offers and publications of Jewel Safaris. The content of the offer is determined solely on the basis of the information provided by or on behalf of Jewel Safaris. Information in publications of Travel Service Providers is not part of the offer, regardless of whether a link to it is included in the offer of Jewel Safaris. The stated travel time is stated in whole days, whereby the day of departure and arrival are counted as whole days. 3.2 Conclusion of agreement The Agreement is concluded by the Traveler’s acceptance of Jewel Safaris. 3.3 Obvious errors Obvious errors in the offer are not binding on Jewel Safaris. This concerns the price, the content of the service offered or other information of which the Traveler, in view of all the circumstances, could not reasonably assume that Jewel Safaris intended to explain this. If there is reason to doubt the correctness of the price or information, the Traveler must inquire Jewel Safaris about this. 3.4 Special preferences. If the Traveler expresses certain preferences before or when entering into the Agreement, rights can only be derived from them insofar as these preferences have been accepted as special through a written commitment from Jewel Safaris to the Traveler that the preference will be granted. The note as a preference on travel documents and the booking confirmation is insufficient for this. 3.5 Special requirements If, at the latest when entering into the Agreement, the Traveler makes requirements in connection with the medical condition or because of other compelling interests known to Jewel Safaris as a ‘requirement’, this applies as a suspensive condition for the conclusion of the Agreement. Jewel Safaris must reject or confirm the ‘requirement’ within a reasonable time and ensure that this will be done. A term of 7 days is in any case considered reasonable. If Jewel Safaris rejects the requirement, no Agreement will be concluded. If Jewel Safaris confirms the ‘requirement’, the Agreement is concluded by sending confirmation. If additional costs are associated with the requirements and these are known, Jewel Safaris will make a new offer to the Traveler. 3.6 Confirmation of receipt of the booking If acceptance by the Traveler takes place, Jewel Safaris will confirm receipt of the acceptance sent by the Traveler. 3.7 Confirmation of the booking Immediately after booking the trip, Jewel Safaris will send a booking confirmation, whether or not together with a (deposit) invoice. 3.8 Withdrawal by traveler A booking of the Trip is final. The Traveler has no right to revoke the Agreement unless he/she needs a safari extension which attracts extra costs 3.9 Minors The Traveler who books the trip must be of legal age. If a minor (below 18 years) travels without the persons who have custody of the minor, these persons must send a signed declaration of consent within 7 days of booking. In this case notwithstanding this article, the Agreement will only be finalized after receipt of this statement by Jewel Safaris. 3.10 Booking for other Travelers & communication The Traveler who enters into an Agreement on behalf of or for the benefit of one or more other Travelers is jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising therefrom. The other Travelers are each liable for their own part. The confirmation, invoice, travel documents and all other communication are only sent to the Traveler who makes the booking. The Traveler who books the Trip on behalf of or for the benefit of others is obliged – with the permission of that person – to disclose relevant personal circumstances of those other Travelers that may affect the execution of the Agreement when registering. The Traveler who books the Trip on behalf of or for the benefit of others is obliged to provide those other Travelers with these Conditions and other relevant communication.

Information Article 4 – Information by Jewel Safaris

4.1 Travel sum Package prices are per person, unless expressly stated otherwise. Hence cost is highly determined by number of travelers on a safari. The offered travel sum includes all known unavoidable additional costs, unless the costs cannot be included in the travel sum or are not yet known. In that case, these costs or the nature of the costs will be stated clearly and close to the travel sum. If the travel sum is age-dependent, the age on the first day of the Trip is decisive. 4.2 Information by Jewel Safaris after booking When concluding the Agreement or immediately thereafter, Jewel Safaris will provide the Traveler with the Agreement, including the accepted special preferences of the Traveler and information tailored to the nationality of the traveler about the necessary travel documents (passports, visas, etc.) and any formalities on health and other legally required information. 4.3 Information by Jewel Safaris before the trip In time before the start of the Trip and at latest when the travel documents are provided, the Traveler will receive detailed information about the booked Trip, including information about the planned departure times, the latest time to check-in, the planned stops and arrivals and, where applicable, the name of the traveler, the airline carrying out the air transport. Unless the traveler has booked the flight with another organizer in that case the traveler is responsible to check the departure time and other details. 4.4 Travel documents The Traveler must have the necessary travel documents for the Trip, such as a passport, visa, vaccination certificates, etc. The traveler must check with the authorities and institutions for applicability, completeness and topicality. Before booking the trip, the Traveler must verify whether there is sufficient time to obtain the necessary travel documents in connection with the possible long processing time of an application for travel documents and in particular any required visa. If the Traveler cannot or cannot fully make the Trip due to the lack of valid, complete and correct travel documents, the resulting costs will be fully borne by the Traveler. 4.5 Travel documents The travel documents (domestic flight tickets, vouchers, etc.) will be sent to the Traveler in time and at the latest 7 days before departure, unless the invoice has not yet been paid in full. If the Traveler has not received the travel documents 5 days before departure, he/she must immediately inform Jewel Safaris/ Definitive departure and arrival times are stated in the travel documents. 4.6 Insurance information Jewel Safaris advice the Traveler to take a cancellation insurance and travel insurance.

Article 5 – Information by the Traveler

5.1 Relevant information from the Traveler(s) Before or at the conclusion of the Agreement, the Traveler who makes the booking provides all information relevant to the Trip about himself and the other Travelers registered by him or her. In particular, this concerns information about the Travelers or the composition of the group if this may affect the health or safety of the Traveler or others during the Trip. If the information provided is incorrect or incomplete, this may result in the Traveler being excluded from participation by Jewel Safaris or the Travel Service Providers. In that case, the Traveler owes the cancellation costs in accordance with Article 9 paragraph 2. Other costs arising from this will also be borne by the Traveler. 5.2 Reduced mobility, pregnant women, unaccompanied minors and illness Travelers with reduced mobility and their companions, pregnant women, unaccompanied minors and Travelers with an illness that may have an effect on the Trip must report this to Jewel Safaris when entering into the Agreement or in any case as soon as possible after the Traveler is aware of this regarding any consequences for the Trip and in particular air transport. These Travelers must verify with the carrier whether a medical statement is required to be allowed to travel.

Before the trip Article 6 – Payment Schedule

6.1 Down payment You are required to make a deposit payment of 30% of the safari price plus cost of Gorilla & Chimp permits (where applicable) within 12 days of receipt of the down payment invoice to consider the safari confirmed. 6.2 Balance payment Final payment to be paid 60 days prior to safari start date. Note that this schedule is based on service providers’ booking terms and conditions 6.3 Default and interest If the Traveler does not pay within the term stated above or on the invoice, the Traveler is in default without further notice of default being required and the statutory interest is owed on the outstanding amount from then on. 6.4 Collection costs The Traveler is obliged to pay the extrajudicial collection costs if the Traveler has been demanded of payment in vain within a period of fourteen days, commencing on the day after the reminder has been received, stating the consequences of the non-payment, including the exact collection costs that will be charged. advanced. The extrajudicial collection costs amount to 15% of the amount claimed up to €2,500, 10% on the subsequent €2,500, 5% on the subsequent €5,000 and 1% on the excess, with a minimum of €40. 6.5 Further consequences of non-payment If the Traveler is in default Jewel Safaris can suspend the sending of the travel documents without further notice until full payment has been received. If payment is not made even after a reminder or if payment has not been made before the start of the trip, Jewel Safaris has the right to exclude the Traveler from participation. The obligation to pay remains. Instead of excluding the Traveler from participation, Jewel Safaris can cancel the Agreement and charge the Traveler for the cancellation costs due. The provisions of this paragraph are without prejudice to other rights of Jewel Safaris.

Article 7 – Substitution

7.1 Terms and Notice A Traveler may transfer the Trip to another person who meets all the conditions attached to the Trip. The Traveler requests Jewel Safaris not later than 7 days before the start of the Trip, at least with due observance of a reasonable period within which the necessary actions can be performed, to replace the person. Transfer is only possible insofar as the conditions of the relevant Travel Service Provider allow this. 7.2 Joint and several liability and additional costs The Traveler and the person who takes over the Trip are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the amount still due and for any additional fees, surcharges and other costs arising from the substitution, including change costs.

Article 8 – Change by the Traveler

8.1 Change The Traveler who has booked the Trip can request Jewel Safaris in writing to change the Agreement or itinerary. Jewel Safaris is not obliged to do this. Jewel Safaris will inform the Traveler of the new travel sum. If the Traveler agrees to the costs of the change, the new travel sum and change costs are due. If the new travel sum is lower than the original travel sum, the difference will be settled with the change costs due. 8.2 Adjustment of departure date or number of travelers A request to change the departure date does not constitute a change, but a cancellation. Reducing the number of paying passengers does not constitute a change, but a partial cancellation. The cancellation regulation of Article 9 paragraph 2 applies to this.

Article 9 – Cancellation by the Traveler

9.1 Cancellation The Traveler can cancel the Agreement at any time before the start of the Trip. Termination must be in writing. The date on which the written cancellation is received by Jewel Safaris is considered the moment of cancellation. In case of receipt after 17:00 or on the weekend, the next working day (Mon-Fri) is considered the date of receipt. 9.2 Cancellation fees We (Jewel Safaris) do not want you to incur costs as a result of cancellation. However, we also meet costs in order to confirm your reservations hence a minimum cancellation fee is charged as below (shown in percentage excluding chimpanzee and Gorilla permit costs) ✓ 61 days or more – You forfeit the deposit ✓ 60 to 20 days – 50% ✓ Less than 19 days – 100% Chimpanzees and Gorilla permit fees are nonrefundable.

Article 10 – Price change

10.1 Price change Jewel Safaris may reserve the right in the Agreement to increase or change the travel sum with regard to Agreements already entered into up to 30 days before the day of departure as a result of price changes in the costs of fuel or other energy sources, taxes or fees not the execution of the Trip involved third parties and/or exchange rates. The price revision method must be known before the booking and is part of the Agreement. 10.2 Termination by Traveler If the increase amounts to more than 8% of the travel sum, the Traveler has the right to terminate the Agreement. In that case, the Traveler is entitled to an immediate refund of the amounts paid. Jewel Safaris sets a reasonable term for the Traveler within which the Traveler must notify In Writing whether he is terminating the Agreement. If the Agreement is not terminated within the set term, the price increase will be deemed accepted and the right to termination will lapse. 10.3 Price reduction If the right to a price increase or price change has been stipulated, the Traveler has the right to request a price reduction in accordance with the price revision method. An amount of EUR 30 in administration costs will be deducted from the amount due to the Traveler on the basis of any price reduction.

Article 11 – Change

11.1 Changes Jewel Safaris has the right to unilaterally change the Agreement before the start of the Trip insofar as it concerns non-drastic changes. The Traveler will be informed of this in Writing and in a clear manner. 11.2 Major changes If necessary, Jewel Safaris can radically change the main features of the Agreement before the start of the Trip. This also includes offering an alternative Trip that is of at least equal quality if reasonably possible. In that case, the Traveler can accept the change or terminate the Agreement without paying cancellation costs. 11.3 Change in an agreed special wish If Jewel Safaris cannot or cannot with reasonable effort meet an agreed special preference of the Traveler, Jewel Safaris can change the Trip on this part. In that case, the Traveler can accept the change or terminate the Agreement without paying cancellation costs. 11.4 Term In the event of major changes, Jewel Safaris will provide the Traveler with a reasonable period within which the Traveler must notify Jewel Safaris in writing whether he is terminating the Agreement. If the Agreement is not terminated within the stipulated term, the amendment will be deemed accepted and the right to termination will lapse. 11.5 Price reduction If the change results in a reduction in the quality or costs of the Trip, the Traveler is entitled to an appropriate price reduction. 11.6 Notice In the event of major changes, the Organizer will immediately inform the Traveler of: – the changes, – the reasonable period within which the Traveler must notify Jewel Safaris in writing of his decision whether the Traveler will terminate the Agreement, – the consequence that if the Traveler does not respond in time, the change is considered accepted and the right to termination lapses. – if offered, the content of a replacement Trip or the amount of the appropriate price reduction. 11.7 Reimbursement of paid travel sum If the Traveler terminates the Agreement on the basis of this article, the travel sum already paid will be refunded to the Traveler without delay and at the latest within 14 days. 11.8 Compensation in case of rejection of the change If the Trip is terminated and the cause of the change is attributable to Jewel Safaris, Jewel Safaris will offer the Traveler appropriate compensation. If the Trip is terminated and the cause of the change must be attributed to the Traveler, the resulting damage will be borne by the Traveler. If the Trip is terminated and the cause of the change cannot be attributed to either the Traveler or Jewel Safaris the parties each bear their own damage.

Article 12 – Cancellation by Jewel Safaris

12.1 Termination The Organizer may terminate the agreement before the start of the trip and refund the Traveler all amounts paid for the Trip without being liable for compensation: a) in the event that the number of registrations is less than the minimum number stated in the Agreement and the Traveler is notified of the cancellation within the period specified in the Agreement, but at the latest: – 20 days before the start of the Trip for a Trip of 6 days or more. – 14 days before the start of the Trip for a Trip of 2 to 6 days. – 48 hours before the start of the Trip for a Trip of less than 2 days. b) in case of force majeure, which is understood to mean unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. 12.2 Reimbursement of paid travel sum In the above cases, Jewel Safaris will refund amounts already received without delay and at the latest within 14 days. Costs incurred by the Traveler for services that fall outside the Agreement, such as vaccinations, visas, purchase material, insurance and, if not included in the Trip, accommodation, etc. are not reimbursed. 12.3 Termination at the fault of the Traveler In the event that the Traveler does not meet the predefined participation requirements or if incorrect or incomplete information about experience, skills, physical or mental condition or other relevant topics is provided by or on behalf of the Traveler, Jewel Safaris has the right to terminate the Agreement. This is without prejudice to other rights of the Organizer. Note: gorilla and chimpanzee permits are always 100 % non-refundable.

Executive of the trip Article 13 – Responsibility

13.1 Proper execution of the trip Jewel Safaris is responsible for the performance of the Travel Services to which the Agreement relates, regardless of whether these Travel Services are performed by Jewel Safaris itself or by another Travel Service Provider. 13.2 Changes in itinerary and travel times Jewel Safaris will inform the Traveler about changes in the itinerary or travel times. If Jewel Safaris is not aware of the place of stay, the Traveler will only be informed at the email address or mobile phone number known to Jewel Safaris.

Article 14 – Conformity & non-conformity

14.1 Conformity Jewel Safaris must perform the Agreement in accordance with the expectations that the Traveler may reasonably have on the basis of the publications, the Agreement and the circumstances at the travel destinations. 14.2 Complaint obligation traveler The Traveler shall immediately inform the Travel Service Provider and Jewel Safaris in accordance with Article 18 of a non-conformity that the Traveler has discovered during the performance of a Travel Service included in the Agreement. 14.3 Solution by Jewel Safaris Jewel Safaris ensures that the reported non-conformity is remedied. The non-conformity need not be remedied if this is impossible or if it entails disproportionately high costs considering the degree of non-conformity and the value of the relevant Travel Services. 14.4 Solution by the Traveler If the non-conformity is not remedied within a reasonable period of time set by the Traveler, the Traveler has the option to remedy the non-conformity himself and request a refund of the expenses. 14.5 Alternative trip If a significant part of the Travel Services cannot be performed as agreed, Jewel Safaris will offer a suitable alternative, at no additional cost to the Traveler. The Traveler is entitled to a price reduction if the alternative is of lower quality. The Traveler can only reject the offered alternative if it is not comparable or the price reduction is insufficient. 14.6 Termination by the Traveler in the event of significant consequences If the non-conformity has significant consequences for the execution of the Trip and Jewel Safaris has not remedied it within a reasonable period set by the Traveler, the Traveler may terminate the Agreement without payment of cancellation costs. If the Agreement also includes transport, Jewel Safaris will also provide immediate repatriation of the Traveler with equivalent transport without additional costs upon termination by the Traveler. 14.7 Price reduction and compensation In the event of termination pursuant to the previous paragraph or in the event that the Agreement is not terminated and no alternatives have been agreed, the Traveler is entitled to an appropriate price reduction and appropriate compensation. 14.8 Price reduction conditions If the Traveler is entitled to an appropriate price reduction, this only applies to the period in which there was nonconformity. The Traveler is in no way entitled to a price reduction insofar as the non-conformity is attributable to the Traveler.

Article 15 – Help and assistance

15.1 Mandatory assistance Jewel Safaris shall provide immediate assistance and assistance to the Traveler if the Traveler is in a situation whereby assistance is needed, in particular by providing good information about medical services, local authorities and consular assistance and assisting the Traveler in the use of distance communication and in finding alternative travel arrangements. 15.2 Cost The Organizer will charge a reasonable fee for the help and assistance if the difficulties have arisen through intent or negligence on the part of the Traveler.

Liability Article 16 – Liability, compensation & exoneration

16.1 Compensation Compensation includes both damages suffered and compensation for lost travel enjoyment. 16.2 Attribution & force majeure The Traveler is in no way entitled to compensation for damage incurred by the Traveler as a result of non-conformity, insofar as the non-conformity is due to: a. the Traveler; b. third parties who are not directly involved in the execution of the Agreement and the non-conformity could not be foreseen or prevented; c. unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. 16.3 Liability exclusion Any liability of Jewel Safaris for damage is limited to three times the travel sum, unless the damage results from the death or personal injury of the Traveler or the damage is caused by intentional or negligent act of Jewel Safaris. 16.4 Liability exclusion under Uganda regulation If Jewel Safaris can be held liable for any damage, including damage resulting from the death or personal injury of the Traveler, this liability will in any case be limited or excluded to the limits allowed under the applicable Uganda regulations pertaining to the individual Travel Services. 16.5 Insurance Jewel Safaris is not liable for damage to the Traveler that is covered by insurance, such as health, travel or cancellation insurance. We strongly recommend the purchase of comprehensive travel insurance in case of any unforeseen eventualities. 16.6 Limitation Any claim by the Traveler for compensation for damage lapses two years after the Trip has taken place or if the Trip did not take place two years after the planned date of commencement. 16.7 No Accumulation of Fees If, for the same event, compensation or compensation is due under Uganda regulations, such as the Regulation on denied boarding, cancellation or long delay, such compensation or compensation shall not be cumulative with the compensation or price reduction under this Agreement. The compensation or damages will be deducted from the damages or price reduction owed by Jewel Safaris under this Agreement. For the above, it does not matter whether the compensation or compensation under Uganda regulations is owed by Jewel Safaris or a travel service provider engaged by it.

Obligations of the traveler Article 17 – Obligations Traveler

17.1 Conduct and follow-up of directions The Traveler must behave as a reasonably acting Traveler and is obliged to follow all instructions to promote the proper execution of the Trip from Jewel Safaris and the Travel Service Providers. 17.2 Consequences of non-compliance – exclusion from participation In the event of non-compliance with instructions or in the event that a Traveler causes nuisance, Jewel Safaris or the Travel Service Provider has the right to partially or completely deny the Traveler further participation in the Trip or Travel Service. In such a case, the Traveler is not entitled to a refund of monies. Further costs incurred as a result are at the expense and risk of the Traveler. 17.3 Warning Before proceeding to exclusion from participation, the Traveler will first be given a verbal or written warning. A warning is not required if this cannot be required of Jewel Safaris or Travel Service Provider given the circumstances of the case, considering the behavior of the Traveler, the expected chance of improvement of the behavior, the effect on the Trip and other Travelers, the risk of damage and the safety of the Travelers and others. 17.4 Traveler’s liability The Traveler is liable for damage caused by his behavior, noncompliance with the obligations in this article or damage that is otherwise attributable to him. The Traveler indemnifies Jewel Safaris against claims from Travel Service Providers or third parties involved in the Trip for damage caused by the Traveler or attributable to him. 17.5 Checking the time of the return journey The Traveler must verify the exact time of departure no later than 24 hours before the scheduled start of the return journey.

Other provisions Article 18 – Complaints

18.1 Information Before the start of the Trip, Jewel Safaris will provide the emergency contact details of Jewel Safaris and, where applicable, its local representative. 18.2 Reporting on site If the Traveler believes that the Trip is being performed nonconformly, he must report this non-conformity without delay, but in any case during the Trip to Jewel Safaris team. This notification can be made by [WhatsApp, SMS text message, by telephone or on working days (Mon-Fri) during local office hours (9-17h) also by e-mail]. Jewel Safaris will send the Traveler a confirmation of the notification via the same medium and by email. 18.3 Communication costs The costs of the necessary communication with Jewel Safaris will be refunded by Jewel Safaris. The Traveler must limit the costs as far as possible, for example by making use of telephone calls via the internet, WhatsApp and e-mail. 18.4 Report unresolved complaint after return All complaints that, in the opinion of the Traveler, have not been or have not been fully resolved or compensated during the Trip, must be submitted to Jewel Safaris in Writing within two months of return, stating reasons. Jewel Safaris is obliged to respond with reasons within one month of receipt of the complaint. 18.5 Consequences of not reporting the non-conformity or complaint or not reporting it in time Not complaining or not complaining in time in accordance with the second paragraph of this article may affect the amount of any price reduction or compensation, unless the interests of Jewel Safaris are not harmed by the late complaint. Complaints that are not received in time after return will not be processed, unless this is not reasonable in the circumstances of the case.

Article 19 – Other provisions

19.1 Third party rights Subordinates, assistants and other third parties involved in the execution of the Agreement can invoke the provisions of the Agreement and these Terms and Conditions (including the liability exclusions) against the Traveler. 19.2 Replacement provisions If mandatory law precludes the validity of a provision in these Terms or if a provision is annulled, that provision will be deemed to have been converted into a valid provision that approximates as closely as possible the original intention in content and intent. 19.3 Applicable law The offer, the Agreement and the execution of the Agreement are exclusively governed by Ugandan law. Without prejudice to this choice of law, a consumer is entitled to the protection offered by the mandatory law of the country of his residence if Jewel Safaris directs the commercial activities (including advertising) regarding the agreed Trip to the country where the consumer resides. By paying the travel sum the client has read and agreed these booking conditions.,

Greetings from Jewel Safaris

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