8 Most Dangerous Animals on a Uganda Safari  Uganda is one of the great safari destinations in Africa visited by millions of travelers to enjoy excellent sights of wildlife, the country hosts a number of dangerous animals.  Generally, wild animals do not attack people if they are left alone. However, they can attack if provoked. That is why travelers on a safari in Uganda’s game parks should exercise common sense while in presence of animals most especially those assumed to be harmful.  Here are the 8 most dangerous animals you will encounter on a safari in Uganda.  Hippo Hippopotamuses are the most dangerous animals on a Uganda safari, hippos are part of the Big Five family and they are commonly found in rivers and lakes in destinations such as Queen Elizabeth National Park at the Kazinga Channel, Victoria Nile in Murchison Falls National Park, Lake Albert among others.  Hippos are the most aggressive aquatic animal in Uganda and travelers are advised to take caution while in Uganda safari destinations and during boat cruises on various waters bodies and when they are out grazing most especially around dusk and dawn.  Hippos spend most of the day in water and they come out at night to feed on the grass, hippos can eat about 80 pounds of grass. Being the most aggressive animals on earth and using their powerful jaws, they can snap a canoe boat in half and they are noted to be one of the most people killing animals in Uganda and Africa as well.  While on a Uganda Safari, avoid well – vegetated riverbanks and lake shores. Also be aware that grazing hippos create a path leading through thick vegetation to an aquatic habitat.  At some times of the day, hippos might be on land which creates a real risk of a head on confrontation in a confined channel.   Nile Crocodile Nile Crocodiles are the most dangerous animals in Uganda, however they pose more threat to the locals and to the travelers as they are unlikely to attack outside their hunting environment. In Uganda Nile crocodiles are found along the Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park, along the Nile River in Murchison Falls National Park, Lake Albert and Lake Victoria among other water bodies.  Nile crocodiles are the most dangerous reptiles to humans and are the most formidable predators to animals that stray into their territory, it is very wise to keep a meter or so from the shores since a large and hungry individual might occasionally drag in an animal or person from the edge of the water.  It is a rare occurrence to find a large Nile Crocodile attacking an adult in the vicinity of human settlement in Uganda, the risk of a crocodile attack is away from communities.  Note: avoid bathing in any potential crocodile habitat unless the area has been rated safe from a local safari guide.  The most dangerous crocodile habitats in Uganda are the section of the Victoria Nile between Nile Delta and the Murchison Falls National Park, so it is safe to avoid it.  Cape Buffalo  Cape buffaloes are the most dangerous of all the members of the Big Five, these animals play a dangerous game so that to ensure their place in the family. In the past era when hunting of the Big Five was a thing, the cape buffaloes were killed more by the safari hunters than any other dangerous animal in the wilderness.  Cape buffaloes live in large herds, these animals appear unassuming, calm and a similar to cows.  Cape buffaloes do not have the big cat carnivorous menacing streak that alerts us to danger, they are just herbivore herds casually hoofing it through savannah.   Since buffaloes do not look like warriors and fearless fighters, they are often ignored by the safari guides and travelers as the most dangerous predators on Uganda safari game drive. Years ago, cape buffaloes were coined as the most dangerous game to hunt on foot. When wounded they become aggressive and angry. Buffaloes would seek revenge on the hunter remembering the previous encounter, if injured they would circle their enemy and counter – attack instead of fleeing.  On Uganda safari, do not anger a buffalo or cross their path. Instead of fleeing, they will charge especially a mother protecting her cal. A wounded buffalo can be lethal, an old bull past its prime is nothing short of insecure, carrying gallons of sexual frustration and grumpiness.   While on a Uganda safari, beware of the buffaloes especially the old bulls that stay in small groups hovering around waterholes.  Elephant  Elephant is the world’s largest land mammal and the most enduring symbol of nature’s grace and fragility. The elephant is one of the most dangerous animals in Uganda and be they attack warn with a mocking charge and indulge in hair raising trumpeting. Uganda’s African elephants are of two subspecies that is savannah elephants found in Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kidepo Valley National Park. They second type is the forest elephants found in forest parks like Bwindi impenetrable National Park and Kibale Forest National Park.   After showing the signs of attacking, when you back off at the first sign of unease. They seldom take further notice of you. If you see elephants before they see you, give them a wide space between them and yourself. Bear in mind that they are most likely to attack if surprised at proximity.  When an elephant charges, the safest action to take is heading for the nearest tree and climb it. Do not do it for the elephant, just back off.  Should an elephant stray close to your campsite or lodge, suppress any urge to wander closer on foot as the elephant may aggressively react if supervised.   An elephant is large enough to turn a vehicle and hurt the occupants, because of this. If it does not your vehicle to pass, back off and wait until it has crossed the road or moved out. In case an elephant does not threaten your vehicle in earnest, then backing off isn’t an option.  Note: Reviving the engine hard will generally dissuade it from pursing the contest, never switch off the engine around elephants not until you are confident that they are relaxed. Also avoid boxing your car between an elephant and another vehicle.   Monkeys Monkeys are dangerous animals, however the most dangerous ones are the vervet and baboons which become aggressive when they associate people with food.  The feeding of the monkeys is irresponsible, food may lead to unwanted attention from them and a cause a threat or harmful threats. While on a safari in Uganda and in presence of the monkeys, feeding they is prohibited.  Although most of the monkeys are too small to be a nuisance, in some incidences baboons have killed have children and maimed adults with their vicious teeth. Unless trapped, their interest in attacking you is food not people. So, in the event of real confrontation, throw down the food before the baboons gets too close.   If you leave food especially fruits in your tent, monkeys might as well tear the tent down.  Monkeys in Uganda are found in Kibale Forest National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Semuliki National Park.  Though most of the primates visited on primate activities such as primate tracking and chimpanzee trekking are habituated, it is important to always obey your guide’s instructions.   Large Wild Cats Uganda is home to large cats found in the big game parks like Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park and Kidepo Valley National Park. Though these large wild cats are known for being fierce, they generally avoid humans and are only like to kill accidently or as self-defense.  Lions are arguably the exception, though they seldom attack unprovoked, cheetahs present no threat to adults and leopards seldom attack unless cornered.  Meanwhile, hyenas reputed for being the nemesis of the big cats are often associated with human settlements and potentially dangerous, they are more likely to slink off into the shadows when disturbed.  In case you encounter any of these big cats on foot, the most important thing you need to know is that you running away will trigger a chase instinct and it will win the race. It is better to stand still and back off very slowly preferably without making eye contact.  If and that is if the predator looks menacing, then noisy confrontation is probably a better tactic than fleeing.  While camping or staying in areas where large predators are common, make sure you sleep in a sealed tent.  An angry lioness is a very dangerous large wildlife.   Snakes Uganda hosts most of the dangerous snakes, while on a Uganda safari you can encounter them while picking up wood or stones under which they often hide.  Generally, snakes slither away when they sense the seismic vibrations made by footfall.  On a Uganda safari, you are more likely to encounter snakes on guided walks, chimpanzee trekking experience and chimpanzee trekking. The best way to avoid snake bites is good walking boots for bites below the ankle, long trousers for bites her on the leg. However, lethal venomous bites are a rarity in Uganda.  Mosquito Malaria carrying mosquito is the most dangerous non – bipedal creature in Uganda and they almost occur in any low – attitude area. High altitudes areas in the Rwenzoris and Virugas at 7,000 ft, mosquitoes are very rare. It is only in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park where mosquitoes may be non – existent.   Mosquitoes are prevalent in the savannah parks, near lakes, rivers and forests.  While traveling to Uganda for a safari, make sure to carry insect repellent and get malaria medication from your doctor.   https://jewelsafaris.com/great-apes-of-uganda-and-rwanda-safari-2/ https://jewelsafaris.com/11-days-great-apes-of-uganda-and-rwanda-safari/ https://jewelsafaris.com/12-days-luxury-gorilla-trekking-safari/ https://jewelsafaris.com/14-days-uganda-safari-2/ Book with us

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